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Hero by Day, Fabricator by Night

Peter Lux is a Fireman near Portland, Oregon. Spending his days being a hero, and spending his nights fabricating in his garage has taught him to appreciate his free time. Pete definitely spent plenty of that time doing his homework when he was ready purchase a combo machine for his shop. Here is what he has to say about his experience:

I recently purchased a 3 in1 SBR-4020 from your Baileigh Industrial. I have got to say I am extremely impressed with your machine and very happy with my purchase. At first I was undecided on which direction to go. I do a lot of metal fabrication and vehicle restoration as a hobby and was getting tired forming metal patches with only tin snips, a body cutting tool and an old hand brake. Granted those tools worked but they’re hardly efficient and nowhere close to being precise. In the last year my hobby has turned into more of a side business.  Not only have I been doing more metal fabrication but the jobs have gotten more complex and the old tools weren’t cutting it anymore.

At first I was looking into three individual tools, a shear, slip roll and a finger brake. I quickly realized that for one, three separate machines took up too much room and secondly the cost would be hard to justify. After a bit more research I came across the more compact 3 in 1 shear, brake, slip roll. I first came across the Baileigh name while on YouTube, after watching your commercial on the SBR-5216, I hopped onto your website to look at the other metal fabricating tools you had available. I did a lot of research on your SBR as well as on your competitors and of course price and quality were big factors.

I first called Baileigh Industrial with the intent of finding out more about your products, but after talking with Baileigh Industrial I was quickly hooked.  Baileigh took the time to explain the benefits of going with a Baileigh tool over the rest. Baileigh tools are held to very high standards during production and the capabilities of the tools are based on actual engineering not false claims. I wanted the best quality tool for my money and I am confident that I achieved that by going with a Baileigh product. To top it off I received the SBR-4020 Shear Brake and Roll in just one week after ordering it. I went through and did a pre use clearance check as recommended in the manual and found everything to be right in line. It worked perfect right out of the box!

Currently I am working on a 1967 Chevy Panel delivery. This truck has the typical rust in the floor and rocker panels like many of its era. With the Baileigh SBR-4020 I easily fabricated patches for the rusted floorboards and new inner rocker panels. The patch panels turned out awesome. Sorry the pictures are poor quality. Another side project I did was more for fun, it was something I thought up to test out the SBR’s capabilities. I took an old riding lawn mower and built a go kart out of it with a new body that mimics and old Willys flat fender Jeep. I was able to take a 4’x8’ sheet of 20 gauge metal and fabricate the body in just one 8 hour day.  The shear, box brake and slip roll all worked great, I am still impressed at how easy it was to figure out how the slip roll worked. I practiced doing different radiuses with few pieces of scrap sheet metal and then built the final pieces for the go kart. The cowl, rear body panels and hood all fit perfect on the first try.

I foresee getting a lot of great use from my SBR-4020 and am very pleased so far with its performance. As my shop grows, I absolutely intend to buy from Baileigh Industrial again in the future.  Thanks again to the friendly sales staff for helping me purchase a great tool.

“DLux” Fabrication and Vehicle Restoration.

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